Welcome Board Archive - Update 06/04/2020

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From: Rufus         Title: Update 06/04/2020                        
Appends: 1          Posted On: Thursday, June 04 2020, 08:44AM
  This allows access to the new one-page score format that combines most 
  of score, timers, status and attributes into one interface. Requires 
  130 columns of screenwidth
  None of the old interfaces are going away.
- You can use 'statement' anywhere. Banks that deal in specific currency
  still require you be in the same room as a banker

- Crash fixes

- Guns do not require kneeling/prone to aim/shoot
Append 1 of 1 from Cap  on Friday, June 05 2020, 02:05AM
RE: Rufus          Title: Update 06/04/2020                        
Morrigan's Maze
- once again fixed issue where players could kill all of the mobs on a layer 
  and the boss wouldn't load. Think we fixed it for realz this time!

- Thor no longer insta-kicks players!