Welcome Board Archive - Ostara Bouquets

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From: Lamia         Title: Ostara Bouquets                          
                    Posted On: Thursday, March 19 2020, 10:27AM
With Ostara comes the beginning of Spring, which means Lamia just really, really wants to make
pretty bouquets to decorate her apartment. Take 7 delicate spring flowers to her and receive a gift!

But where is can these flowers be found? Scattered around the lands, of course! She wants specific
ones, which are pretty easy to tell once you come across one.

And where can Lamia be found, that lazy slag? Why, she's hanging out in a grove dedicated to a
Goddess of the Cycle of Life & Death.

Short Desc: a delicate spring flower
Long Desc:  A pretty flower sits here, waiting to be part of Lamia's spring bouquet.