Welcome Board Archive - Calendar System
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From: Rufus Title: Calendar System Posted On: Wednesday, July 01 2020, 12:06PM --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALENDAR CALENDAR SHORT CALENDAR <keyword> Creators: CALENDAR create <keyword> <name> CALENDAR <keyword> time <time format> (time format is YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM) CALENDAR <keyword> duration <duration format> (1h, 90m, etc) CALENDAR <keyword> description <description> CALENDAR <keyword> levelrange <low> <high> CALENDAR <keyword> submit CALENDAR <keyword> delete Participants: CALENDAR <keyword> attend [email] [discord] CALENDAR <keyword> tentative [email] [discord] CALENDAR <keyword> decline Alternatively: ATTEND <keyword> [email] [discord] TENTATIVE <keyword> [email] [discord] CALENDAR SYSTEM - To see a list of events, type CALENDAR by itself. - To see a shorter list of events, type CALENDAR SHORT (or CALENDAR S) - To see the full details on a calendar entry, use: CALENDAR <keyword> - Anyone who has an account can create a calendar entry. Each account may have 3 active/in progress events at a time. - You create a calendar entry with the CALENDAR CREATE command. This requires a keyword and a name for the event: CALENDAR CREATE <keyword> <name of the event> CALENDAR CREATE sl2 Shadowlands 2 Full Run Your keyword is limited to 12 characters. The name is limited to 40 characters. By default, a calendar entry is created a week out from the current time and lasts for an hour. - Once you have created a calendar event, you can modify it by using the calendar command: CALENDAR <keyword> <function> <arguments> - You can modify the calendar's TIME, DURATION, DESCRIPTION and LEVELRANGE. Most functions can be abbreviated. - Modifying calendar time: The calendar system is really picky about how you format dates and times. The format is in 24 hour system-time: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM ex, for January 2nd, 2021 at 1:35pm system time: 2021-01-02 13:45 CALENDAR <keyword> TIME <time format> - Modifying the duration: You modify the duration with CALENDAR <keyword> DURATION <duration> The duration can be in the following formats: #h (for hours) #m (for days) You can't blend these so if you want your event to show an hour and a half, use 90m ex: CALENDAR sl2 DURATION 2h - Modifying the Description The description is only limited by the input limit. Be brief, but it gives you a bit more room for detail. ex: CALENDAR sl2 DESCRIPTION Planning a full run! Meet at xroads. - You can set the level range of a calendar event with the LEVELRANGE function. CALENDAR <keyword> LEVELRANGE <low> <high> ex: CALENDAR sl2 LEVELRANGE 49 50 Note that level ranges are suggestions. These are not enforced except in one small instance. 15 minutes before an event or when the event starts, a notification will be sent to the info channel. This info is level-limited by the low level in the event. - Mort-generated events require approval from an immortal. Use CALENDAR <keyword> SUBMIT to submit it for approval. Any changes after you submit or after it has been approved means it will need to be resubmitted. Imms can edit mort events and they can also deny the event. Unlike petitions, no reason is given automatically but the imm should be in touch. Until an event is approved, it will not show up for other players. If your event is denied, you may resubmit it after editing something. - You may delete an event you create with CALENDAR <keyword> DELETE. DELETE must be spelled out in in full and cannot be abbreviated. - Anyone may indicate they are attending an event. You indicate your intention by the following functions: CALENDAR <keyword> <ATTEND or TENTATIVE> [types of notifications] If you have a Discord account associated with your LegendMUD account, you can be notified 15 minutes prior to an event via Discord direct message by adding 'discord' (lowercase, in full) after you add ATTEND or TENTATIVE. If you have an email address associated with your LegendMUD account, you can be notified 15 minutes prior to an event via email by adding 'email' (lowercase, in full) after you add ATTEND or tentative ex: CALENDAR sl2 ATTEND discord CALENDAR sl2 TENTATIVE discord email CALENDAR sl2 ATTEND email If you omit your notification preference, you will not be notified out of game. You can change your preference by using ATTEND or TENTATIVE again to change your notification options. If you are the creator of an event, you will automatically be notified via email and discord. If you create an event, you cannot change the notification options. For each event, you will receive one notification per destination. You can only mark yourself as attending an event that hasn't yet started. - If you have marked yourself as attending but you are no longer able to attend, you can use the DECLINE function: CALENDAR <keyword> DECLINE ex: CALENDAR sl2 DECLINE - Calendar events (shortened) will show on the menu system when you log in. You can toggle this off with a new config CONFIG LOGINCALENDAR