Syntax: consider <mobname>
Before you try killing something that you've never fought before, CONSIDER it by typing CONSIDER <mobname>. This will tell you approximately what your chances of survival would be. The "death will thank you for your gift" message means YOUR death, not the mob's.
Just a reminder, this is simply a level comparison; it doesn't take into account stats, equipment, or special attacks you or the mob might have. More detailed consider statements may be obtained from the JUDGE skill or the "judge" spell or the "identify person" spell.
If you find a mob that considers _much_ easier than it actually is to fight, please mudmail the creator about this with details of what happened. We try to be fair, but we don't always get our mobs at the right level when we first make them.
If you are level 50, you may still consider other mobs of your level and receive an indication as to their relative difficulty.