Difference between revisions of "The Immortal Code of Conduct"

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m (Mertjai moved page The Immort Code of Conduct to The Immortal Code of Conduct without leaving a redirect)
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Revision as of 08:47, 24 April 2020

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/__|                       IMM CONDUCT IMM-CONDUCT                        |__\
* Immortals are not permitted to give in-game help. Attempting to get an
  immortal to give in-game assistance or information is illegal, including
  loading items for you, changing character statistics, or provide
  information about other players' characters, sites, etc. Repeated attempts
  may be considered harassment.

* Immorts are not permitted to use their status as immortals for the
  benefit of their other characters.

* Immorts are not permitted to use their status as immortals to abuse or
  harass players; they may not use their abilities to help players outside
  the realm of their immortal duties.

* Immorts are governed by a strict code of conduct, which is published
  on the web site. If you believe you have been wrongfully treated
  by an immortal, inform the Implementors, at imp@legendmud.org.

To reach an immortal via email, simply use their imm name in the
address. Example: huma@legendmud.org

See also: HELP RULES